Free Lavalink Server

When building a Discord music bot, managing audio can be both complicated and expensive. Hosting can often cost tens of dollars a month, just to send audio between your bot and Discord's servers. And managing your own audio backend, like Lavalink, can often get quite complicated fairly quickly with lots of moving parts.

To solve this, we provide a completely free Lavalink server for anyone to use. Hosted on our premium dedicated servers in north america, you'll get the best possible performance, absolutely for free. Using it couldn't be simpler. Simply use the following details, and you'll be ready to go almost immediately!

Port: 20080
Password: ""
Secure: false

More info about Lavalink and how to implement it in your Discord bot can be found at

If you need a custom logo for your Discord bot as well, you can create your very own right now, in under a minute, using our completely free Discord pfp maker. It doesn't cost a dollar, and you'll be able to download it in under a minute! It doesn't get any better than that.

Looking for free Discord bot hosting too? Join our Discord server at and we'll be more than happy to provide it, completely for free, in true Creavite fashion.